The Members of the Board of Education

The Carle Place Board of Education     
The Board of Education is composed of five members who serve three-year terms. Members are elected by the voters in the district to establish policy and direct the administration of our schools. As your representatives, the Board exercises the community's rights to citizen control over public education. Every Board of Education in the State of New York has legal and financial control over local school matters, subject only to limitations imposed by the United States Constitution, federal law, state law, regulations of the Commissioner of Education and, of course, the will of local residents as expressed in local elections.  

Meetings of the Board of Education are held in the Barry Dennis Conference Room in the High School, twice a month at 8 PM, unless otherwise specified. Residents of the district are invited to attend Board of Education meetings and are offered the opportunity to address the Board, if they desire to do so.

Lawrence F. Zaino Jr., President Photo

Lawrence F. Zaino Jr., President

Email Lawrence F. Zaino Jr

Vanessa Dong-Monaco 1st Vice President

Vanessa Dong-Monaco, 1st Vice President    

Email Vanessa Dong-Monaco

Kathleen Reardon, 2nd Vice President

Kathleen Reardon, 2nd Vice President

Email Kathleen Reardon

Dr. Patrick Dunphy, Jr., Trustee

Dr. Patrick Dunphy Jr., Trustee

Email Patrick Dunphy Jr.

Jacqueline DaTorre, Trustee

Jacqueline DaTorre, Trustee

Email Jacqueline DaTorre

Zachary Thaler, Treasurer

Email Zachary Thaler

Kelly Ann Grodotzke, District Clerk & Records Access Officer

Email Kelly Ann Grodotzke

Guercio & Guercio, Board Attorney   
77 Conklin Street, Farmingdale NY  11735